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Positioning Command System for Armed Police System Developed by FOBOM


Positioning Command System for Armed Police System Developed by FOBOM   The Beidou positioning system for the armed police is a platform for the comprehensive utilization of integrated information. It integrates the public security business data and geospatial data organically, so that the public security business data in the same geographical location can be layered and superimposed. It can become a support platform for various police types and departments to realize resource sharing and cooperative combat. It faces multiple police types and realizes various business applications. Therefore, the application-oriented service framework will make the system have better scalability.    Armed police geographic information system is an information system that integrates police data information and spatial information by using the unique spatial analysis function and strong visual performance ability of geographic information system technology. By monitoring the spatial distribution and real-time operation of various police work elements, it analyzes their internal relations, and rationally allocates and dispatches resources, so as to improve the rapid response and cooperative combat ability of various departments, and realize auxiliary analysis, decision-making and command and dispatch.

COPYRIGHT富 FOBOM (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Mobile phone: 13720876105  fixed phone: 0592-7621905   閩ICP備2021009521號


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